Kamis, 26 Februari 2015

How Letting Go Of Christianity Helped Save This Former Addict's Life

During his recovery from drug addiction, Kevin Sessums decided to include a walk of Camino de Santiago, a famous religious hike in Spain, as part of his personal journey. The experience ultimately inspired him to let go of his Christian roots.

The author of I Left It on the Mountain joined HuffPost Live host Caroline Modarressy-Tehrani to discuss how he believes that release helped save his life.

"Part of the freeing of my shame, of the darkness, I think was shedding the good/bad, God/evil dichotomy and looking at the greater picture in a spiritual sense," Sessums said. "I am a very spiritual person ... but I am not a Christian. And that has been my salvation ... Maybe some Christians find in their Christianity what I found by releasing it from my life. I think we are all sort of trying to find the same thing in our lives, and that is to heal."

Watch the full HuffPost Live clip above to hear more about Sessums' experience with letting go of Christianity.

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