Selasa, 14 April 2015

Redneck Dixon White Calls Out White America In Viral Video

A self-described "redneck" is taking the Internet by storm with his call for white Americans to stand up against racism, take responsibility for it and acknowledge that they've benefitted from it whether they've wanted to or not.

"This country was built for white people and it's time us Americans -- us white Americans -- came to terms with that and realize we're benefitting from that," the man who goes by the pseudonym Dixon White says in the clips, which contain some NSFW language.

"We created a culture and a system of white supremacy that has benefitted us for 400 years," White says with a thick southern drawl in a clip recorded from the cab of his Ford pickup truck. "I think maybe it's about time we stop being lazy as white people and take some fucking responsibility."

In the video titled, "I'm a redneck and I love America," he says:

"There's a new south and a new America and it's called white racial responsibility and it's time we all took some y'all. Let's take a little bit of white racial responsibility. Let's start by standing up against it, let's recognize that in every American institution, in education, financial, healthcare, justice -- for God's sake it's in justice -- in the police departments and our police officers, many of them.

And when I talk I'm not talking about all. I'm ain't saying all white people are bad I'm saying we've got an evil called white supremacy in this culture. Stop being defensive. Get off your fucking ass and do something about it. Speak up, don't ever ignore racism. If you hear something racist, fucking stand as a white American, take some fucking responsibility. It's the inaction that has always destroyed other people and other nations."

Dixon says in the clip that he was once a white supremacist himself.

"Yeah I'm redneck. I always have been -- but this redneck's reformed," says White, who wrote on Facebook that he has a white mother and Cuban father. "Many years I was a racist and I didn't like blacks, used to call 'em the N word and what not."

White told The Root that going to college, where he had a black roommate, helped to change his point of view. So did suffering from abuse due to prejudice.

"Once I understood (prejudice), it made me open to not being a product of it and not participating in it," he told the website. "I learned through suffering that I was going to fight against racism. I made an oath to myself and God that I would fight against racism and put it behind me."

White said he had written some articles, but when they didn't get as much attention as he hoped he turned to video. Now he's getting attention in a big way. In less than 10 days, his most popular video has received some 800,000 views on YouTube and has been shared across social media.

The actor and filmmaker, who hopes to make a movie about white supremacy, has since released a few more clips, including a call for others to join him. White is asking Americans to post their own clips "owning up to and taking responsibility racially." He wants the videos to "address our culture and systems of white supremacy without a 'but' in it and without denial and defense of it."

Already a number of people -- white and black -- have answered the call. And on Facebook, Dixon said he's hoping a celebrity will join the movement and record a video.

Despite all the attention, one thing hasn't changed: White is still a redneck, a label he wears as a badge of honor.

"I'm still a redneck. I boat, fish, hunt, whatever the fuck I want to do. I drink a beer, I eat too much pork, barbecue, you can tell looking at me. My point is yeah you can call me fat and I don't give a damn."

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