Senin, 30 Maret 2015

Dove's 'One Beautiful Thought' Shows What It Would Sound Like If Your Inner Critic Spoke Out Loud

Dove is back with yet another ad campaign that has us reaching for our tissues and re-evaluating how we talk about body image.

This time around, Dove is asking that we share #OneBeautifulThought. As in, one positive feeling about our bodies, instead of the negativity we usually direct toward ourselves.

Created by Dove France, the script for this ad was made by asking women on the street to record their most personal thoughts about their bodies, according to FastCoCreate.

In the video, albeit staged, we see how these women reacted when they heard their thoughts read out loud. Or rather, the actresses put into these women’s shoes.

The result? An impactful video that everyone who has ever had a negative thought about themselves will relate to.

As Nia Shanks wrote on, talking to yourself positively can greatly affect how you feel about your body. "In the beginning, you may have to fake it a bit and pay yourself the best compliments you can, even if you’re not actually feeling that good about yourself," she wrote. "Stick with it, and be consistent. After a while, you’ll no longer have to fake it."

The #OneBeautifulThought campaign has arrived on the tails of the #SpeakBeautiful campaign that, according to TIME, encouraged more positive tweets about body image.

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